An acknowledged technical expertise

IGRECA has a production tool at the cutting-edge of the latest technologies. The process quality guarantees an egg product with strong added value in accordance with the most demanding customers’ specifications and in accordance with the environmental concerns.


Over one billion eggs are processed every year.


The management teams are made up of highly qualified staff, present within the firm for many years.

Faithful to Igreca’s values, they bring their entire experience and contribute to the firm’s culture of high standards.

The whole production equipment is totally targeted at optimizing the quality criteria.

The controls, internal audits, recurrent customers’ audits, allow to anticipate the expectations and to offer a quality level which is often higher than the current standards. The whole traceability enables to identify a possible flaw and so to eliminate any health risk.

With an egg requirement equivalent to 10% of the French annual production, IGRECA also places itself as a privileged partner of national and European forces acting up the Egg products production chain.


Cereal growers, feed manufacturers for laying hens, breeders are as many forces appealed to by IGRECA with the ultimate aim of offering the best egg products, especially noticeable by their quality in terms of taste.


TERRENA, first French agricultural cooperative – and an IGRECA shareholder, too – thus actively participates in the respect of this requirement on the whole egg sector.